---------------------------------February 2012---------------------------------
---------------------------------January 2012---------------------------------
- 3rd February 2012 - NUS Save 'Care to Learn' Fund
- 18th February 2012 - Labour looks to Denmark for childcare policy
- 18th January 2012 - Legal aid cuts will put domestic violence victims at risk, report warns
- 20th January 2012 - Campaigners celebrate withdrawal of Nadine Dorries's sex education bill
- 31st January 2012 - Cuts force domestic violence refuges to turn victims away
- 11th December 2011 - Free childcare would raise millions in tax on working mums...
- 1st December 2011 - Kenneth Clarke delays £350m legal aid cuts
- 1st December 2011 - Labour: Cuts are 'biggest attack' on women
- 1st December 2011 - Changes on tax credits and retirement unfair to women, David Cameron warned
---------------------------------November 2011---------------------------------
- 16th November 2011 - Jobs are a feminist issue. So are legal aid, tax and pensions
- 4th November 2011 - Women's equality: clock is turning back as cuts bite, says Fawcett Society
- 6th November 2011 -Young mothers face benefits axe as education cuts hit childcare support
---------------------------------October 2011---------------------------------
- 2nd October 2011 - Cameron's patronising manner stokes women's anger against the coalition
- 2nd October 2011 - Reality check: why is the coalition losing women voters?
- 6th October 2011 - Coalition to boost childcare pot by £300m to target low-earning women
- 13th October 2011 - Women will get pension six months earlier after Coalition climbdown
- 17th October 2011 - Women reject Cameron's economic policies
- 21st October 2011 - Women are being ignored by the Coalition, says Women's Institute head
- 25 October 2011 - Big drop in women's applications after university tuition fees increase
- 31 October 2011 - Abused women will suffer from legal aid cuts, charity claims
---------------------------------September 2011---------------------------------
- 1st September 2011 - Cuts will affect domestic violence jobs benefits - TUC
- 5th September 2011 - Government cuts set to hit women hard, unions warn
- 7th September 2011 - Childcare costs force poorest families into debt
- 18th September 2011 - David Cameron faces backlash from women voters ...
- 28th September 2011 - Midwives warn further cuts will put women's safety at risk
- 31st - September 2011 - Campaigners resist classics course 'death
---------------------------------August 2011---------------------------------
- 21st August 2011 - More women at the top – and at the bottom
- 21st August 2011 - Women bear the brunt as Birmingham hits hard times again
- 19th August 2011 - The right has chosen its scapegoat – the single mum. And she will bleed
- 9th August 2011 - Cuts threaten to undo progress on reducing teenage pregnancies
- 7th August 2011 - Nick Clegg is chasing women
- 5th August 2011 - Feminism is back and we want to finish the revolution, say activists
---------------------------------July 2011 ---------------------------------
- 30th July 2011 - Coalition cuts are making life tough for mothers
- 21st July 2011 - Refuges face up to 'tragic' cuts
- 19th July 2011 - Graduates: A generation abandoned
- 13th July 2011 - Unemployment for women: what are the facts?
- 12th July 2011 - Universities given go-ahead to charge £9,000 tuition fees
- 6th July 2011 - UN women report: Access to justice remains a work in progress
- 5th July 2011 - Britain backs UNWomen
- 4th July 2011 - Recession threatening to turn back time for women
- 3rd July 2011 - Coventry at work: Cuts 'to hit women harder'
---------------------------------June 2011 ---------------------------------
- 30th June 2011 - There's no good reason for this inequality (Feat. RHUL's Liz Schafer)
- 29th June 2011 - Legal aid reforms will hit the most vulnerable hardest, warns top judge
- 28th June 2011 - White Paper: one in four undergraduate places will be up for grabs
- 23rd June 2011 - Benefit cuts: single mothers are the biggest losers
- 21st June 2011 - MPs Back Move To Make Women Work Until 66
- 19th June 2011 - Our Phalanx of Female MPs (even Tori ones) really is making a difference
- 18th June 2011 - Richard Dyson: Women pay the price for the pensions law
- 17th June 2011 - Two women a week die from domestic violence; legal aid cuts will see more
- 16th June 2011 - Harriet Harman: 'You can't leave equality to the Tories'
- 14th June 2011 - "Feminism: back by popular demand" (Feat. RHUL Feminism Society)
- 13th June 2011 - Spending cuts will increase inqualities between women and men...
- 12th June 2011 - Welfare Cuts 'will leave domestic violence victims at risk'
- 11th June 2011 - Slutwalk London: "Yes means yes and no means no"
- 8th June 2011 - Government Policies an assault on women, Labour Claim
---------------------------------- May 2011---------------------------------