Royal Holloway Feminists Against Cuts a campaign associated with RHUL Feminism Society. Taking part of the national campaign against gender discriminating public sector cuts. If you want to read the Fawcett Society's "Impact on Austerity on Women" report click here. If you want quick info on the impact of government reforms on women students click here.

Friday, 10 June 2011

The Telegraph: Professor hopes equal pay case will pave way for

Original Article by By Victoria Ward 7:00AM BST 04 Jun 2011

"A leading university has introduced a pay scale for professors in a bid to banish gender inequality after a landmark employment tribunal which could set a precedent for equal pay across the country.

Royal Holloway, University of London, agreed a settlement with Liz Schafer, a drama and theatre studies professor who took legal action over its “scandalous” professorial pay gaps.
The case is expected to have legal ramifications for scores of higher education establishments which do not have equal pay structures in place.
Prof Schafer, 51, from Virginia Water, Surrey, told the Daily Telegraph: “As a result of this case all universities which don’t have a system need to get a system very quickly or there will be a whole queue of female professors waiting to take them to a tribunal.”
Prof Schafer launched legal proceedings after discovering that regardless of her eminence within her field of work and her publication record, she had been consistently under rewarded in comparison to her male peers.
She was represented by the University and College Union which said Royal Holloway’s pay gap between male and female professors was amongst the highest in the country."

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