Royal Holloway Feminists Against Cuts a campaign associated with RHUL Feminism Society. Taking part of the national campaign against gender discriminating public sector cuts. If you want to read the Fawcett Society's "Impact on Austerity on Women" report click here. If you want quick info on the impact of government reforms on women students click here.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

IS THIS AS GOOD AS IT GETS? The case for class struggle feminism Conference

This Saturday on November 26, 2011 at UCL, women members and supporters of the Alliance for Workers' Liberty are holding a conference to debate the issues facing women in the era of capitalist crisis and cuts, learn from past battles and revive a class struggle feminist movement.

People of all genders welcome.

Women’s lot under capitalism is, for most, that of low-paid wage slavery, with the double burden of the bulk of the responsibility for childrearing, housework and caring being placed firmly on our shoulders; then there’s the enormous pressures of how we should look, behave and act. The chances of achieving any real freedoms or reaching our individual and collective potential is impossible under capitalism.

The lot of working class women is made even worse at times like these when capitalism is in crisis. It’s working class women who are hit hardest when jobs are cut and services slashed.

The case for class struggle feminism is the case for a distinct feminism based on smashing the oppression of the majority of women - working class women. The liberation of working class women is the liberation of humanity. This conference is a space to discuss these ideas and organise action for freedom.

Class struggle feminists care little about glass ceilings that stop middle class women from becoming bosses and exploiting working class women and men. It's the class ceiling we’re out to smash!

Tickets: £10 waged, £5 low-waged/students and £2 unwaged/school students.
Free creche - please email or call Jill on 07904 944 771 to register by 21 November. (If you realise you need the creche after that's fine - give us a call- we would just like to have an idea of numbers beforehand). 
Free accommodation available - please email or call 07970 820 401 if you need it for the Friday and/or Saturday night. 
 Cheap food and refreshments, plus stalls available throughout the day. women@workersliberty.
07883 520 852 


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